

#本亨 #Benry——正联上映前后杂志中的本亨糖






1. The Rake杂志 Issue 54 of The Rake,Oct 2017


He is now due for his third incarnation as Clark Kent in Justice League. He is understandably reticent, as his last outing in Batman v Superman:Dawn of Jutice, saw him come to a heroic demise.It seems he is to make a comeback of sorts, but in what form is being left to everyone's imaginations. 


He appears again alongside Ben Affleck, his co-star, initial on-screen adversary and off-screen chum from Batman v Superman. Affleck tells The Rake:"Working with Henry is a lot of fun. He's a talented actor and a wonderful guy. I think what surprised me most is that we've had the opportunity to develop a strong friendship over the years——given our characters were at odds in Batman v Superman, it was a really pleasant surprise to still have a laugh in between takes."

他和本·阿弗莱克,他的合演,从《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》开始,以屏幕对手和屏幕外好友一起出现。阿弗莱克告诉The Rake杂志:“与亨利合作非常有趣。他是一位才华横溢的演员,也是一个非常棒的人。我觉得最让我感到意外的是,多年来我们有机会发展出一种强烈的友谊 - 考虑到我们的角色在《蝙蝠侠大战超人》中存在(很深的)矛盾,所以在拍摄间隙我们还能有说有笑真是令人惊喜。


Cavill also works with the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, or Durrell Zoo for short, in his native Jersey. The zoo has a conservation credo and takes in rare animals before releasing them back into the wild—including a bat named Ben, named after, who else, Ben Affleck. "I feel honoured that there's a Ben Affleck bat flying around"; Affleck says. "Henry does great work for the zoo and elsewhere for the animal kingdom, it's incredible to see his passion and commitment.”



2. 【亨利•卡维尔】《时尚健康•男士》英版12月刊翻译 

全文翻译 (粗翻)https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv481476

(校正版)https://www.weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404240873499011090 (一直显示文章被删除不知道是不是我自己网络的问题)


“好吧,酷。 你认为我们有时间吗?”

His on-set conversations with Affleck, however, tended to revolve more around the complicated logistics of urinating between takes while in costume: “‘Do you reckon we have time to go for a pee?’ ‘How long does it take you?’ ‘It takes me this long.’ ‘OK, cool. Do you reckon we have time?’ ‘Yeah, let's go.’



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